Preferred Medical

Item #MOL-610100

Brand : Mextra

Color : Blue

Contains Latex : No

Dimensions : 5" x 7"

Material : Polyacrylate

Packaging Description : 10/box, 4 box/case

MFG #610100

5 Inch x 7 Inch, Superabsorbent Dressing

5 Inch x 7 Inch, Superabsorbent Dressing

Superabsorbent Wound Contact Layer, 5 Inch x 7 Inch, 10/bx, 4 bx/cs
  • Helps reduce the risk of leakage and maceration through absorption and retention properties
  • Can minimize the need for frequent dressing changes
  • May lead to reduced treatment costs
  • Maintains structure and integrity without becoming bulky upon exudate absorption
  • Protects against fluid strike-through
  • Promotes patient comfort
  • Has protease modulating properties and provides a conducive environment for healing to proceed